
HST 108. The Americas and the World since 1500
This course explores the history of the Western hemisphere in global perspective since 1500. This includes the story of U.S. domination and Latin American resistance, especially in the 19th and 20th centuries. We will also focus even more on how global forces have shaped the development of North, South, and Central America and the Caribbean. How have political, economic, and cultural developments enhanced or inhibited the ability of individuals and groups to shape their own lives? Topics covered include the “first globalization” of goods, germs, and peoples; slavery, resistance, and emancipation; colonialism and independence; the industrial, market, and transportation revolutions; international migration; and war (revolutionary, civil, “Cold” and otherwise). We will also think about how the very terms that people use to describe the region (e.g., the “New World,” the “Americas,” “Latin” or “Hispanic” America, etc.) reflect and make possible particular national goals and political projects.

HST 256. The US & the World, 1763-1914
The first half of a two-semester survey on U.S. foreign relations. Major topics explore the economic, political, cultural, and social currents linking the U.S. to Europe, Africa, South America, and Asia between 1763 and 1914. Particular attention is given to the influence of the world system—ranging from empire, war, and migration to industrial competition and economic interdependence—on U.S. diplomacy, commerce, and domestic politics and culture.

HST 257. The US & the World Since 1914
The second half of a two-semester survey of U.S. foreign relations. Major topics explore the economic, political, cultural and social currents linking the U.S. to Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia since 1914. Particular attention is given to the influence of the international system—ranging from hot and cold wars, to decolonization, economic interdependence and transnational businesses and institutions—on U.S. diplomacy, commerce, and domestic politics and culture.

HST 384. Global Outlaws in History
This course examines the motivations, ideologies, goals, and behavior of those who have been deemed “outlaws” to international society since 1500, including pirates, terrorists, smugglers, and war criminals.  It also analyzes the role of power in creating the global regimes that define and target such activities. Through the act of outlawry, the outlines of the international system become clearer.

HST 362: American Constitutional History
This course covers the history of American law since the late-eighteenth century, tracing the complex and contested relationship between Constitutional interpretation and major trends in American politics, economics, society and culture.

HST 390: The United States & Empire
This research seminar uses the concept of empire to explore the history of the United States since 1776. Readings will explore themes including: the design and conduct of American foreign policy; how the movement of people, ideas, and goods across borders reflected and created networks of power; how people at home and abroad reacted to the spread of American influence; and how historians have examined the concept of “American empire” in thematic, empirical, and comparative terms. Students will complete the course by producing a research paper on a topic of their choice related to some aspect of the history of US relations with the world.

Past Courses
I no longer offer the following courses as part of my regular rotation. Students interested in these topics should inquire about signing up for a Directed Reading course (HST 399).

HST 331. The United States as Empire, 1877-1919
Explores the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when the United States joined in the global scramble for empire.  Course examines the domestic and international causes of American imperial expansion; the modes of rule that the U.S. exercised in its formal and informal possessions; and the political and intellectual debates at home and abroad about America’s expansion as a world power.

HST 311. The United States and WWI at Home and Abroad
This special topics course analyzes the experience of Americans at home and abroad during World War I, and investigates how the war shaped American society and its position in the world.